
Security News for the Week Ending November 24, 2023

Post Quantum Crypto Isn’t The Only Problem – Pre Stone Age Crypto is Also a Problem While some folks are worried about what is going to happen to encryption when quantum computing becomes real, other companies are still using antique crypto. Unfortunately, many of the companies who are using antiques are medical devices and higher […]

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Security News for the Week Ending November 24, 2023

Post Quantum Crypto Isn’t The Only Problem – Pre Stone Age Crypto is Also a Problem While some folks are worried about what is going to happen to encryption when quantum computing becomes real, other companies are still using antique crypto. Unfortunately, many of the companies who are using antiques are medical devices and higher […]

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Researcher Claims to Have Cracked RSA-2048 With Quantum Computer

Researchers are highly skeptical about the claim of another scientist who says that he has developed an inexpensive system to crack RSA encryption, the most commonly used public key encryption. The researcher who claims to have cracked RSA is Ed Gerck. According to his LinkedIn profile, he is a quantum computing developer at a company […]

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Security News for the Week Ending October 27, 2023

US Marines Strap a Rocket Launcher to a Dog By the way, it was a robot dog and it not only worked, but the dog survived launching the rocket. This was a demonstration and the dog was one that they bought on Amazon for a few thousand bucks. Imagine what they can do with a […]

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OpenAI Faces Defamation Suit After ChatGPT Fabricates Lawsuit Info

Armed America Radio host Mark Walters is Suing OpenAI after their software completely fabricated a court filing saying that Walters was involved in a lawsuit filed against him for embezzling funds of the Second Amendment Foundation, a gun rights group. A so-called journalist discovered that by using ChatGPT for research and used the hallucination. The […]

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