Businesses Losing Customers due to Connected Products Security Concerns
59% of cybersecurity executives at large and medium organizations say that they have LOST business due to product security concerns for connected and embedded devices.

45% say that customers want detailed information about what is in their devices, but only 11% of companies have high confidence that they can do that, even if they want to.
Only 27% of people interviewed said that their organizations conduct software composition analysis (what is in it) and only 30% say that they can easily generate a software bill of materials (as required by the new executive order).
So what does it take to develop secure products? More resources (62%), more expertise (60%), industry standards (46%). Only 21% said that their have a security supply chain policy.

On top of this, only half of the respondents said their organization check out the security of their products before they ship them.
The good news is that 74% of the organizations either have a Chief Product Security Officer or plan to hire one. In the next two years.
And, last but not least, only 10% have full confidence that they know all vendors in the supply chain for each of its devices.
Ready to buy one of them secure connected devices now?
Credit: Help Net Security