Assuming that happens, expect the attacks on state and local governments to increase. Potentially dramatically. In 2021 Congress created a four year, $1 billion cybersecurity grant program for state and local governments. Every state but one has made grant requests. The money dries up at the end of this fiscal year and given the next […]
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Important notes: Contact us if you need assistance *** NOTICE TO THE CMMC ECOSYSTEM *** 16 December 2024 CMMC Reaches Significant Program Milestone Today Updated guidance for the Ecosystem and defense contractors as CMMC Title 32 Final Rule enters into force The Cyber AB is recognizing today’s effective date of the Department of Defense’s codification […]
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This idea is a little light on details. Congressman Mike Waltz (R-FL), the administration’s pick for national security advisor said that our prioritizing cyber defense is not working. We have, over the years, improved defenses, but it is not enough. He said that we need to go on offense and impose higher costs and consequences […]
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Ransomware as a Chaos Mechanism This version of ransomware doesn’t require much skill. Rather than encrypting files and demanding a ransom, they are just deleting as many files as possible and watching the chaos with some popcorn and beer. Even if the company has good backups, and many don’t, it can still cause downtime, supply […]
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You have probably heard of AI hallucinations – when the AI makes things up. Sometimes the risk is low, but other times, not so much. Slowly the courts are weighing in on the subject. In Moffatt v. Air Canada, the plaintiff asked for information about the airline’s bereavement policy. The chatbot told him he could […]
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AI is great. Of course, anything that is great has to be immediately abused by hackers. Here are few popular AI based scams. VOICE CLONING If a hacker has 3 seconds of your voice, that is enough to clone it. Typically, they use calls of a loved one supposedly in distress, like in the hospital, […]
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