
Crypto Companies Losing Ground to Deepfakes

While this particular study talks specifically about cryptocurrency companies, the trends are obvious and the impact to you and me are, unfortunately, similar. First what the crypto folks are seeing. 57 percent of crypto companies report audio deepfake incidents. 53 percent of crypto companies have encountered video deepfake fraud. This points to the very rapid […]

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China Gives US Sanctions the Middle Finger

The US has been trying to reign in China’s thefts of intellectual property and other bad behavior by putting tech sanctions on them. The next president wants to increase sanctions on China. Will it work? Huawei, China’s leading phone maker was seriously impacted over the last 2-3 years over the restriction of US made chips. […]

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Are You Ready for Next March’s New Merchant PCI Requirements

The simplest form of PCI compliance is a self assessment and most companies qualify. The simplest form of a self assessment is a SAQ-A or -A-EP. This assessment form is for merchants that do not collect or store payment card information and outsource the payment process pretty much completely. If you capture the card info […]

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Security News Update for November 22, 2024

Texas AG Sue TikTok Under SCOPE Act The Securing Children Online Through Parental Empowerment (SCOPE) Act is designed to protect kids online. The Texas AG claims that TikTok failed to comply with the parental verification requirement, unlawful sharing, disclosing or selling of a minor’s PII and failure to create and provide parental tools. While this […]

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As Two Undersea Fiber Internet Lines Cut, Focus is on China, Russia

I bet this shows up as a surprise to exactly no one. There are at least 600 undersea fiber lines that connect the world. While these two going away at roughly the same time is annoying, the Internet is quite resilient. However, depending on WHICH fiber lines are cut, the problems can be more severe. […]

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Disney+’s “I Agree” May Stop You From Suing if you Die at DisneyWorld

One downside of these mega mergers is that things that have nothing to do with each other are now totally related to each other. Two recent cases. Jeffrey Piccolo filed a lawsuit after his wife, Karen, died at a Disney owned restaurant in Florida. She had a fatal reaction to the food after being assured […]

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