
New iPhone Might Shut Off Next Time You Try To Film In Public

Apple was granted a patent last month that allowed someone to shut down photo and video recording on all nearby iPhones – say if you were photographing the police or a concert. The patent uses an infrared signal that would be received by appropriately equipped iPhones to disable the camera. Think about who might like […]

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Why Trusting Any Organization With Your Data is Dicey at Best

The government would like us to believe that if they have unfettered access to all the data that they want, it will be secure.  The evidence does not support that. This past week, a terrorism database called World-Check was leaked accidentally (At least I think it was an accident).  It contains information on about 2 […]

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Internet of Things Devices Used For Massive DDoS Attacks

Lizard Stresser, the “service” that came to fame on Christmas Day 2014 when it knocked Sony’s Playstation and Microsoft’s xBox web sites off line, has never gone away.  Now it has a new claim to fame. The claimed purpose of the software was to allow web site owners to stress test their web sites under […]

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Symantec Anti Virus Security Problems Exposed

Anti Virus software has long been a concern of the security community.  While it endeavors to protect the user’s workstation, in order to do it’s job, it requires a lot of system level permissions.  This week, at least with Symantec, that came home to roost. Tavis Ormandy a researcher from Google announced that he’d found […]

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