
New Threat From Wireless Keyboards

If you have about $12 to spare, you can eavesdrop on many wireless USB keyboards.  That means that you can capture web sites, userids, passwords, socials, credit card numbers and anything else someone might type in. The problem with the USB keyboard (and likewise USB mouse) standards is that the standard didn’t say anything about […]

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The Crypto Malware Revolution – A Thousand Fold Increase

A thousand-fold increase in crypto malware (AKA ransomware) is a pretty impressive number.  The reason is that it is like taking candy from a baby – not very hard.  Rather than having to figure out how to break into a computer, then figure out where the juicy data is, next getting it back to you without […]

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Encryption – The Devil Is In The Details – Listen Up Whatsapp and iMessage

Jonathan Zdziarski wrote about an implementation challenge for the security conscious among us.  While Whatsapp does delete the message when you tell it to, it leaves artifacts behind.  Whatsapp and other phone apps use the SQLLite database.  SQLLite, likely to reduce wear in your phone’s memory, doesn’t actually delete the message, but rather just marks […]

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