It was really only a matter of time. As the FBI (but interestingly NOT the CIA or NSA) keeps pressing for a crypto backdoor – or whatever they would prefer to call it to make it seem more palatable – and security experts keep saying this is a really, REALLY bad idea, the universe decided […]
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Google is starting to roll out new security messages in the next week or so to help users to be able to detect spam emails and malicious web sites. For GMail read on the web or on Android devices, any message whose sender cannot be authenticated with Sender Policy Framework (SPF) or Domain Keys Identified Mail […]
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[DISPLAY_ACURAX_ICONS] came up with a list of suggestions for startups in the arena of data security and privacy, but after reading it, the list is applicable to anyone, so here is my take on it: Allowing security to take a back seat (from the very beginning). Whether it is your beginning or not, sometimes companies […]
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Attendees at Black Hat were surveyed and the results are no more reassuring than last year. 15% have no doubt that they will have to respond to a major security breach in the next year, 25% say it is highly likely and 32% say it is somewhat likely. 63% of the security pros say that […]
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You might wonder how an attack against a large healthcare provider would expose both patient records and credit cards used in the cafeteria. Stay tuned to learn how not to follow in their footsteps. The attack on Banner Health began in mid June and was discovered only a few weeks later. However, in that short […]
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While the Target, Home Depot, Anthem and Office of Personnel Management breaches, among other large breaches, get most of the headlines, according to Travelers Insurance, 62% of all breaches hit small and medium size companies. Those statistics only cover the 34,000+ known incidents per day that are reported. Many more are undetected or intentionally not […]
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