Google has decided to lead the way on web, as it often has. In this case, Google has announced that as of January 1, 2017, web pages that transmit credit cards or ask for passwords over HTTP (vs. HTTPS) will be marked with this flag in the address bar: Some of will say that this […]
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Trend Micro surveyed 300 UK businesses and found some interesting information. Likely if they surveyed US businesses, the results would be similar. 44 percent of the businesses have been infected with ransomware. That is almost half. It doesn’t say how big the attack was, but given the FBI is saying that they are getting 4,000 […]
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Hacking, just like all other Internet businesses, is morphing to survive. And to be very clear, hacking is a business. Before people make funny jokes, no, hackers do NOT hack into porn sites for the pictures. They could use stolen credit cards if that was all they wanted. The porn site Brazzers was hacked, apparently […]
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This is getting a bit crazy. I am thinking about paying cash next time I stay at a hotel. UPDATE: The Hutton breach is tied to another breach from last week, HEI Hotels. The Hutton is managed by HEI. HEI also manages hotels for Intercontinental, which owns Kimpton. Also, Noble, which owns Ocean Key, below, […]
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While this column is directed at lawyers, it applies equally well to anyone sending or receiving confidential communications via email and expecting those communications to actually be confidential. We think of business email compromise as one of those spear phishing emails that pretend to come from the boss telling you to wire money to China […]
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Merchants want you to believe that HTTPS equals secure. I keep saying that it doesn’t. Here is another story for my side of the argument. First, a little background. If a web site want to support HTTPS (also known as SSL or TLS), they need to have a certificate. The certificate is used as part […]
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