
Patching is Critical

This week, Microsoft released it’s September patch dump.  14 security bulletins.  50 vulnerabilities in Windows.  26 more vulnerabilities in Flash player that was bundled with the Edge browser.  The patches affect Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Office, OLE Automation, VB Scripting and Flash, among others. Other Microsoft products patched include Silverlight and Exchange server. The […]

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CERT Releases Threat Advisory On Firewalls

Last month a hacker group known as The Shadow Brokers released a series of exploits that they said belong to an NSA contractor that has been called the Equation Group. Whether the Equation Group is real and whether they are a vendor of exploits to the NSA or not is really not terribly relevant in […]

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What If An Adversary Decides To Use OUR Big Data Against Us?

What if a technically sophisticated adversary, such as Russia or China wanted to create chaos in the United States – how would he or she do it?  What if a technically sophisticated lone wolf hacker wanted to do it, is it possible? My answer would be: Possible – absolutely!  Probable: I don’t know. Concerning: You […]

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World’s Largest Law Firm Says: Law Firms Are A One Stop Shop For Hackers

It is always rewarding when well respected people write published articles supporting an argument that you have been making for years.  I guess I was just slightly ahead of my time. In this case, my point has been that law firms are a huge target for hackers – and not just the large law firms. […]

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