All 12 channels France’s TV5 Monde were taken off the air one night in April 2015. The company had just launched a new channel that day and were out celebrating when a flood of text messages told the director-general that all 12 stations had gone dark. Attackers, claimed to be from the Cyber Caliphate. Since […]
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While the Cloud has an amazing number of advantages, it is important to remember that it is hard to see inside a cloud and what you can’t see could hurt you. I was recently involved in responding to a potential email compromise where the company was using cloud based email. While this cloud based email […]
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A few months ago Apple and the FBI seemed to be locked in a fight to the death over a request to unlock a phone belonging to the now dead San Bernadino shooter. The FBi attempted to use the 18th century All Writs Act to get Apple to write new software that undermined the security […]
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Recently, Brian Krebs ( was hit with a massive denial of service attack. The site went down – hard – and was down for days. His Internet Service Provider kicked him off, permanently. The attack threw over 600 gigabits per second of traffic at the site. There are very few web sites that could withstand […]
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As if things weren’t bad enough for Marissa Mayer and Yahoo after the announcement of losing 500 million user records and the very negative article in the NY Times last week about how they treated security, now there is a new revelation. Supposedly, Yahoo wrote custom software to search all emails in real time for […]
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Why do hackers steal medical and health insurance information and what do they do with it? Why does your personal health information sell for 25 to 50 times what credit card information sells for? The first answer? Your credit card information is typically toast within 30 days of the first use, sometimes sooner. And of […]
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