
Challenges of Electronic Health Records

cYou may need a scorecard to keep track of the players, but ponder this. Codman Square Health Center in Boston reported a breach to HHS.  However, it was not THEIR system that was breached. Codman participates in a regional Health Information Exchange, the New England Healthcare Exchange, a mandated mechanism for doctors to exchange information […]

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Feds Serve Warrant Demanding Fingerprints of Everyone in the Building

As has been predicted, in a court filing from May 2016, the DoJ authorized the cops to “depress the fingerprints and thumbprints of every person who is located at the subject premises during the execution of the search and who is reasonably believed by law enforcement to be the user of a fingerprint sensor-enabled device […]

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Why Employee Training is a CRITICAL Component of Security Training

According to Buzzfeed, nine days after Hillary Clinton had won big on Super Tuesday, the Russians launched their cyber attack on her campaign. The Russians sent malicious emails to all of her senior campaign staff.  The emails looked like standard Google GMail emails alerting to suspicious activity on their accounts and asked them to click […]

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Hackers Use Virtual Skimmers To Steal Credit Cards From Web Sites

You’ve probably heard about credit card skimmers that hackers attach to everything from gas pumps to ATMs to self checkout terminals at grocery stores, all in an effort to steal your credit card info. As more stores go to chip based credit cards where stealing the information off the stripe won’t let hackers use that […]

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The Internet of In-secure Things

Hackers are combining the Internet of Things with a 12 year old open source software bug and creating a potential mess. Last week tens of thousands of hacked Internet of (in-secure) Things devices created a 600 gigabit per second attack against a security blogger’s web site and just after that, these devices created a  terabit […]

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