
Worried Your Kids Spend Too Much Time on Social Media? Move to Australia!

The good news for politicians is that kids under 16 can’t vote. They are about to propose a law that would **BAN** kids under 16 from social media. No exceptions. No “its okay if my parents say it is ok”. Gone! Bye-bye. The Australian Prime Minister unveiled the world-leading plan to set a minimum age […]

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Get Ready for 2025- More State Privacy Laws

This could all change depending on the outcome of today’s election, but, here is what is currently scheduled to happen in the realm of state privacy laws. I say this could all change because the new administration could figure out a way to cancel all of these state privacy laws – say by passing a […]

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Security News Update for November 1, 2024

Russian Court Fines Google 2 Undecillion Rubles for Blocking YouTube Accounts This is a case of YouTube blocking several Russian TV stations’ YouTube accounts. They are being fined by Russia’s anti-monopoly service from failing to restore the accounts. Google was fined, back in 2020, 100 thousand rubles a day with the fine doubling every week […]

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After China Hacks US Telecoms, it Complains About “Seabed Sentinels”

Right after it was disclosed that China hacked into the major telecom providers in the U.S. and eavesdropped on calls and texts for major national politicians like (but not limited to) Trump and Harris, China is claiming that unnamed western countries are spying on them. Can you imagine that? Countries spying on each other. The […]

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Election Security Challenges Escalate

Foreign influence campaigns are intensifying as we get closer to election day. Even though the US is far better prepared than in previous elections, that is not stopping the Russians, Chinese and Iranians, among others. One thing that is happening in this election that did not happen in the past is real time response to […]

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