
Cyber-Physical Hacks

Historically, we have physical universe attacks like Columbine or Gaza and the many variants in between. Then we have the cyber universe attacks like Caesar’s Casino and Crowdstrike (which was a cyber incident but not an attack). But more recently, we have begun to see cyber-physical attacks. The Colonial Pipeline attack that shut down the […]

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Security News Updates for January 2023

Happy 2023 – Lets hope cybersecurity is better this year January 1, 2022 Security News Bites for the Week Ending December 30th, 2022Comcast Xfinity accounts hacked in widespread 2FA bypass, TSAmay roll out facial recognition security screening nationwide next year, scammers are scammingthe scammers – karma works, Bahamian regulators seize $3.5 billion in FTX assets, […]

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