
2,665 Percent Increase in Deep Fake Camera Scams

Is that person staring at you on Zoom really your boss?

Last year that is exactly what happened to one Hong Kong company — to the tune of $25 million.

iProov, a company that sells facial recognition identity verification and authentication services released a report with some scary numbers:

  • Attacks using spoofed faces in online meetings were UP 300 Percent last year. These use so-called “face-swap” technology
  • a 783 percent increase in injection attacks targeting mobile apps was detected last year
  • Finally, a 2,665 percent increase in the use of virtual camera software to execute these scams was recorded

IProov says it is tracking 120 tools actively being used to do face swap attacks. That may mean that your boss it out playing golf instead of leading that meeting you are in. The actor running the face swap could be anyone.

Security training company KnowBe4 and others have fallen for the North Korea fake IT worker scam, where it appears that they are hiring a skilled IT worker, which they are. The problem is that worker works for North Korea.

Crime as a service players are the chief organizations offering these tools to attackers. This has reduced the skill required to run these scams to that of a moderately skilled teen aged hacker. This is way easier than it was just a few years ago.

iProov ran a test, the results of which they released last month. 2,000 people were presented 10 questions in an effort to see if they were able to detect deep fakes. The good news is that some were able to do that. EXACTLY TWO PEOPLE GOT ALL TEN QUESTIONS RIGHT. The other 99.9 percent were not as successful.

On top of that, very few people actually did anything when they suspected a deep fake. Only 25 percent said they would search for alternative information.

HOW MANY OF YOUR EMPLOYEES WOULD CORRECTLY IDENTIFY ALL OF THE DEEP FAKES? HOW MANY WOULD GIVE AWAY YOUR MONEY? If you don’t think your team is ready for this, contact us for assistance.

Credit: The Register

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