
Security News Update for the Week Ending June 7, 2024

Trump Decides to Join TikTok Instead of Banning It I know that politicians are hypocritical; it just comes with the game. When Trump was president, he attempted to ban TikTok via an executive order that he signed because it was a national security risk. This year Congress passed a law that would ban TikTok as […]

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Most Orgs Not Ready For New CISA Security Rules

CISA’s SECURE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT ATTESTATION FORM rule comes into effect next week. It requires that companies that produce software and sell it to the government adhere to key security practices. It also requires that those developers attest to their practices. In writing. Signed by an executive of the company. It applies to companies that do […]

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US Water, Other Utilities Under Attack

Unfortunately, other than the very large water and other utilities, most utilities do not have the money, manpower or desire to secure their networks. We continue to hear more stories of successful attacks. In April a Russia-linked hacking group, the Cyber Army of Russia, claimed responsibility for an attack on a water and wastewater system […]

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Senator Claims UnitedHealth’s CEO, Board Appointed Unqualified CISO

Senator Ron Wyden, who is possibly the biggest advocate on Capitol Hill for cybersecurity and privacy, laid into UnitedHealth Group’s CEO for their cybersecurity practices. Their practices led to a breach that affected possibly one third of the adults in the US who have health insurance. Senator Wyden also asked the FTC and SEC to […]

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