
Security News Update for Week Ending June 21, 2024

Are You Prepared for Fifth Party Risk? Boeing and Airbus are in trouble, again. Except it is not them. Boeing and Airbus sell to airlines. Lets pick one at random – Delta. That is the first party. They buy their planes from, lets say, Airbus, a THIRD party. Both Boeing and Airbus use a FOURTH […]

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But it is to Protect the Children – and Hurt Everyone Else

The EU has proposed a bill that would require cloud providers to search for child sexual abuse material (AKA CSAM or Kiddie Porn) in all private communications, even end to end encrypted ones. EU lawmakers are divided on the wisdom of such a law, but the debate continues. Other critics of the plan are WhatsApp, […]

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Los Angeles School District to Ban Phones

The LA school board voted to enact a ban to take effect at the beginning of 2025. The resolution requires the board to develop a policy that prohibits smartphones and social media in the hope of helping kids reduce their mental health risks. The LA school district has close to 600,000 students across a thousand […]

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Security News Update for Week Ending June 14, 2024

Trump Tells Crypto Execs He Won’t Regulate Crypto if Re-elected Trump raised $12 million from crypto execs after he told them that if he is re-elected he would be the crypto-president and un/not regulate crypto. Telling people what they want to hear is always easy for politicians. He said that crypto is very important and […]

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Microsoft Didn’t Patch Bug for Years, Leaving Gov Systems Exposed Because It Could Hurt Sales

I don’t even know where to go with this other than to say, unfortunately, I am not surprised. Likely not patching a known bug is probably not illegal, as is not disclosing it. Roll back almost a decade, in 2016, whistleblower and security expert Andrew Harris was working for Microsoft. He was investigating a breach […]

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