
Security News for the Week Ending January 20, 2023

New York Gov Signs Right to Repair Law While industry lobbyists have done their best to water down New York’s right to repair law (and they were relatively successful at it), it is a start. It goes into effect in July, 2023 and while it excludes electronics used in government and schools, has other ridiculous […]

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T-Mobile Hacked for the Eighth Time Recently

T-Mobile recently admitted yet another data breach. This time it compromised 37 million customers. The attack used – or abused – one of T-Mobile’s APIs. Dedicated readers probably remember that I warned about the abuse of APIs last week. It is a growing problem because companies are not paying enough attention to API security. The […]

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New Medical Device Law-Will it Help?

Dr. Suzanne Schwartz of the Food and Drug Administration, says the new cybersecurity requirements for medical devices in the $1.7 trillion spending bill Biden recently signed is a game changer. Up until now, if the manufacturer patched a device, or it a hospital patched the operating system of one of these devices, the device was […]

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Security News for the Week Ending January 13, 2023

What Could Possibly Go Wrong – Cali’s Digital License Plates Hacked A team of security researchers managed to gain “super administrative access” into Reviver, the company behind California’s new digital license plates which launched last year. That access allowed them to track the physical GPS location of all Reviver customers and change a section of […]

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