
Why The Microsoft Exchange Email Hack is So Bad

The media continues to report on the Microsoft Exchange hack, likely perpetrated by China. Reports are that at least 30,000 Exchange servers in the United States are impacted and some people say that number is likely way underestimated. On top of that, the number of servers worldwide is maybe ten times that number. Given all […]

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Security News for the Week Ending March 5, 2021

Google Gives Up On Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) ASLR is a security technique that has been used for years to make it harder for hackers to FIND code in memory to compromise it. There is a problem in the rendering engine in the Chromium project that breaks ASLR and Google says that they won’t […]

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NSA and CISA Issue Guidance on DNS Filtering

Starting from the beginning. DNS is the service that converts the web site address that you type in your browser like WWW.CNN.COM into the numbers, like 2a04:4e42:200::323:, that the Internet needs in order to connect you to that web site. DNS was invented because they didn’t think the web would be really popular if you […]

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Congress Digs into Dumpster Fire of Fed Cybersecurity

While there are plenty of private companies that were compromised by the SolarWinds attack, more importantly, many federal government departments and agencies including Treasury, State, the Nuclear Management folks, the FAA and others were compromised and information was stolen. Congress is getting into the act; we will see if anything positive happens or Congress loses […]

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