
Gov May Block Malicious Content on Gov Computers but Not Yours

I have long complained about ads on web sites delivering malicious content in addition to ads.  In fact, I have even advocated blocking ads because of it, but since most web sites exist because of the revenue generated from those ads, the ad content is only getting more invasive. There have been many incidents of […]

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A Warning About Two Factor Authentication

I have been a strong advocate for two factor authentication and still am, but I ran across a situation yesterday that made me realize that there is something that you need to consider when you implement two factor. The situation that I encountered was a user that was using text messages for two factor authentication […]

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Feds Talk About Using Software Bugs Against You

Under President Obama, the feds created this non binding policy document called the Vulnerability Equities Process.  This came after Snowden disclosed a long assumed fact that the spy organizations were hoarding bugs to use against whomever they wanted to rather than telling the developers about them so that they could be fixed.  Of course, we are […]

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