
White House Considering Banning Personal Cell Phones

In a move that the White House says is for security, John Kelly is considering banning personal cell phones. On one hand, you can’t blame them.  After all, Kelly’s own personal cell phone was hacked for six months before they figured it out. On a self serving theme, it is possible that it might cut […]

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Intel Issues Security Alert Affecting PCs, Servers and IoT Devices

Intel issued an alert for owners of select PCs, Servers and IoT devices running Intel Core processors shipped since 2015.   The firmware in those computers may be vulnerable to attack.  The attacks may give hackers access to privileged system information and allow attackers to take over those computers. MOST of the attacks require local access, […]

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Uber Paid Hacker $100k Hush Money; Didn’t Disclose Breach

This may turn out to be a lesson in Internet law for everyone. In October 2016, hackers breached Uber’s systems and made off with personal information for 57 million customers.  They also made off with other information for 7 million Uber drivers and 600,000 drivers license numbers. Uber says that no socials or credit cards […]

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