
Your Air Safety Is Dependent on Windows 3.1 – And Vacuum Tubes

As if Paris didn’t have enough problems, Paris’ Orly Airport had to close briefly last week because a Windows 3.1 system that sends Runway Visual Range information to pilots failed.  Windows 3.1 dates back to 1992.  The French air traffic control union said that Paris airports use systems running 4 operating systems, including Windows 3.1 and […]

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Millions Of Records Exposed By Poorly Written Apps

App developers, like all software developers, like to integrate existing code to reduce their workload and their time to market. Unfortunately, that does not mean that developers will follow the best practices in using that existing code. According to a presentation at Black Hat Europe this week, developers who use BaaS or Backends as a […]

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Malvertising is the term that describes taking advertising that appears on legitimate web sites and turning it into weapons. In almost all cases, the web sites involved have no knowledge of what is going on.  Web sites buy ads from large ad networks such as Google and AOL.  Those ad networks sign up advertisers so […]

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