
Russian Hacker Caught

Alleged Russian hacker Validimir Drinkman, 34, was arraigned yesterday on hacking into 16 companies including The NASDAQ stock exchange, 7-11, J.C. Penney, Dow Jones, Heartland Payment Systems and others and stealing 160 million credit card numbers (see article).  The attacks go as far back as 2005.   Brian Krebs provides an inventory of some of […]

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10 States Going After Anthem After Data Breach

Reuters is reporting that 10 states, led by Connecticut, have sent a letter to Anthem complaining that the company is moving too slowly in notifying consumers of the data breach that affected up to 80 million customers and employees (see article).  The states are assuming that Anthem know precisely who’s data was taken and they […]

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Lawmaker says assume the bad guys are going to get in and focus on detection, mitigation and damage control

Representative Will Hurd (R-TX), is the head of the House  Information Technology Subcommittee and a former CIA Agent who spent 9 years in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, working on counter terrorism and cyber security before working for the cyber security firm FusionX. He has a somewhat depressing but very accurate view of cyber security. In […]

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